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Use Cite While You Write or add a reference list?

Cite While You Write integrates MS Word with your EndNote library.  It is designed to let you add EndNote citations to your text and automatically generates the resulting reference list.

If preferred, you can add citations to your text manually then insert your reference list from a separate file generated by EndNote.

To add citations as you compose your text

Use 'Cite While You Write' - the EndNote tab in MS Word - to:

  1. Select a referencing style.
  2. Add your in-text citations.
  3. Edit your in-text citations.
  4. See your reference list be generated automatically.

Select a style

When submitting coursework, or articles for publication in an academic journal, you will be expected to use a specific referencing system, e.g. Cite Them Right.

The 'Style' feature lets you pre-select a specific referencing system and formats your in-text citations and reference list accordingly.

To select 'Cite Them Right',

  1. Click on the 'Annotated' dropdown,
  2. Choose 'Select another style' 
  3. Navigate to 'Cite Them Right - Science'
  4. Click to select.


Do not manually amend your reference list after any entries have ben generated automatically as this corrupts your work.

We recommend inserting a page break before your references then leaving this as the end of the document, with your working space before this point.

Inserting in-text citations

To insert a citation in your document:

With both your EndNote library and document open,

  • Place your cursor at the place in the text where the first citation is to be added.
  • Select the 'EndNote' tab.
  • Click the 'Insert Citation' icon (top half).
  • A 'Find and insert my references' box will display.
  • Enter an author's surname or a word or phrase from the references in your EndNote library.
  • Matching results will display.
  • Select the relevant reference then select 'Insert'. 

The citation will be added to your text and the reference added at the end of your document.  

Amending and deleting citations

To edit your citations,

In your text, click on a citation to select it.

  1. Go to the 'EndNote' tab then select 'Edit & Manage Citations'.
  2. A popup window will appear.  This has 2 sections, each offering options for different situations. The (top) citation section displays the citation in the context of your text. This is accompanied by an 'Edit reference' dropdown. The other (bottom) section gives you options to change the display format, and to add details before, or after, the citation.


To make the author part of your sentence:

  • Go to the 'Edit Citation: Formatting' section then select the dropdown .
  • Select 'Display as Author (Year)'.
  • 'OK' to confirm.


To add page numbers to your citation:

  • Go to the Edit Citation section.
  • 'Page numbers': enter the numbers only, e.g. 23-25 - the 'p' or 'pp.' will be added automatically if using Cite Them Right.
  • 'OK' to confirm.

On the occasions when a page number does not apply, you can add locator details into the 'Prefix' or Suffix' boxes.  For example, (suffix) 'section 3, paragraph 2'.


To edit the reference in your EndNote library:

  • Select the 'Edit Reference' dropdown
  • Select 'Edit Library reference'
  • The reference will open in your EndNote library.
  • Amend as necessary, e.g. remove multiple places of publication.
  • 'Save'
  • Close the window to return to your document. 


To add a prefix when secondary referencing

There are occasions when an author quotes or refers to an idea from another author. If you want to re-use this point or idea but have not read the original, you need to reference the work you have accessed but also acknowledge the original author. To do this with EndNote:

  • Go to the prefix option in the 'Edit citation' section. Note: you need to include the relevant punctuation as well as content when adding information to this field.
  • Enter the surname of the original author and relevant date of publication, then add the phrase 'cited in' and add a space.
  • 'OK' to confirm

Your citation should now follow the format of the following:

... knowledge production (Rao, no date, cited in Cox and Tzoc, 2023).


To delete a citation from your text:

  • Select 'Edit Reference' as above.
  • Open the dropdown then select 'Remove citation'.
  • Confirm.

Note: just clicking on the citation in your document then using the delete key will corrupt your document!

Inserting figures

To attach a graph, figure or other attachment from a reference in your EndNote library,

  • Ensure both your EndNote library and document are open.
  • Place your cursor where the graph is to be added to your text.
  • Go to the 'Insert Citations/' icon and select 'Insert Figure' from the dropdown options. 
  • A 'Find figure' box will display.
  • Search for and select as for inserting citations above.

Notes for Mac users

EndNote functionality may differ for MacOS users.  Please see the publisher's support guides/videos for details.

Top tips for CWYW

  • Always use the EndNote tab to make changes to your citations and reference list! Manual amendments usually result in your file being corrupted.
  • If you don't see your references appearing as you insert citations, ensure the 'Instant Formatting' toolbar option is set to 'On'.
  • For visual step-by-step guides, see the publisher's 'In Action' series of videos.
  • To refresh your references if you have made changes to the related EndNote records, click 'Update citations and bibliography' 

Submitting your document to Turnitin?

Library staff recommend that you remove the embedded EndNote links in your document to prevent possible corruption of your references by automated Turnitin processes.

Once your document is ready for submission,

  1. Create a backup copy (and save this separately).
  2. From the EndNote20 tab in the original document, go to the 'Convert citations and bibliography' dropdown.
  3. Select 'Convert to plain text'. This removes the embedded links connecting your document to your EndNote Library but maintains the text and formatting of your citations and references.
  4. Submit this document to Turnitin.