EndNote automatically adds your references to the default 'All References' group. New entries are, by default, also added to the Unfiled group.
We recommend though that you create your own custom groups, and, if appropriate, group sets, to organise the references in your EndNote library.
Note: you can create up to 5000 groups and group sets.
References added to EndNote are, by default, added to the 'Unfiled' group. You can add individual references to one or more custom groups for more efficient working.
Alternatively, you can drag references from the central pane to the relevant group in the left pane.
Click the first reference as above, to highlight it.
Hold down the CTRL key then click on relevant items to select them.
Click the first reference to highlight it.
Hold down the CTRL and A keys.
You will likely be using multiple custom groups to manage the volume of references and different aspects of your projects.
Group Sets make organising these easier but this takes time to organise and maintain.
Smart Groups sometimes remove this time requirement.
With Smart Groups, you set the criteria in advance and EndNote automatically adds any matching references to that group on import. It is therefore recommended to set your criteria carefully, e.g. year and topic.
When working collaboratively, it may be beneficial to share references with classmates or colleagues. With EndNote, you can share individual groups, or an entire library.
Firstly, confirm that all parties are familiar with EndNote and that you have the email address linked to the EndNote Online account for everyone with whom you intend to share your library.
Note: Both functions operate using the related EndNote Online accounts.
Custom groups can be deleted at any time. You will still have access to any references in the group under 'All References'.