We recommend that you check for accuracy any references you have added to your EndNote library. Most will display perfectly well but you may need to amend or declutter others.
For example, the author information may appear in the title field, as shown below.
Entries are automatically added with the reference type 'Journal Article'. This is ideal in many instances. However, you should change this for other types of item, e.g. Book, Web page.
Also, 'Electronic Article' should be selected if you have accessed a journal article online and need the URL or DOI to display in your reference.
Once you have added an item to your EndNote20 library, you can add your own notes as a reminder of the item's relevance or the significant points that were mentioned.
Note: EndNote will create a copy of the file and store it in a folder associated with your EndNote library.
If you import references from more than one source, you are likely to have duplicate entries. EndNote can help you to manage these.
A further manual check is also recommended however - EndNote looks for exact matches in the author, title and year fields so won't identify items which differ even slightly.
There may be occasions when you wish to delete references:
Please think carefully before proceeding.
If you are completely convinced you have no further use (ever) for this reference:
Items will remain in the 'Trash' until you close the program and select the 'Empty Trash' option.
In your EndNote20 or EN21 library:
Remember to save your changes when closing the file.