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Installing EndNote Desktop on your own device

To install EndNote on your own device

  1. Please go to the UWS student app. [Link is for the web version.]
  2. [Login as student.]
  3. Open the 'Library' tile.
  4. Select 'Help & Support' then 'Library Tools'.
  5. Note the product key for EndNote21
  6. In your browser, go to Clarivate's EndNote Installer page (link below).
  7. Select the relevant installation for EndNote21.
  8. Work through the installation screens, entering the product key and other details, e.g. your name and organisation, when prompted. [We recommend confirming the default folder settings that are suggested.]

Note: this process installs EndNote desktop, the Cite While You Write plugin  (for MS Word) and other related files.

If you encounter any errors with the installation, please email library staff

Opening EndNote for the first time

Opening EndNote

Once you have installed EndNote desktop (EN20 or EN21) on your device, you should see the EndNote programme listed on your device, possibly under 'All Apps'.  

  1. Open Endnote on the device.  
  2. An empty window will appear.
  3. To open a library for the first time, select File (from the main menu).
  4. Select New.  The file manager screen will appear.
  5. Select Save. [Select a location on your device, not the cloud].

Now you're ready to add some references!

Saving your EndNote library

Your two linked default EndNote library files should be stored on your device to prevent corruption. Therefore:

Remember to save your EndNote20 or EndNote21 library on a regular basis!

Backup option 1 - save a copy of your library:

  • In EndNote20/21, select 'File' from the menu bar.
  • Select 'Save a copy'.
  • We strongly recommend that you store this copy on a different device, or on a cloud server.

[This copy is a single file so can be stored safely on a cloud server.]


Backup option 2: cloud access:

Set up an EndNote Online account and syncing your desktop library with this on a regular basis. 

Syncing with EndNote Online

Syncing with an EndNote Online library is recommended to give access to your EndNote library when using another device. 

See our EndNote Online guide to set up your online account.


To sync for the first time,

  • Select 'File' from the menu bar then 'Save a copy' to ensure you have an updated backup of your library.
  • Select 'Library' from the menu bar.
  • Select 'Sync'.
  • Enter your details as prompted then confirm.

Note: this can take a few minutes.

You can review your sync settings at any time by selecting 'Edit' from the menu bar then 'Preferences' and 'Sync'. 

Sync regularly to ensure that your EndNote Online account is up-to-date and thus minimise the risk of losing your data.

Setting your preferences

You can customise many aspects of your EndNote Library by selecting 'Edit' from the menu bar then selecting 'Preferences'

Options include:

  • 'Display Fields' - consider replacing 'Rating' with 'Research Notes' to display any notes you add on an item to the 'Research Notes' field. 
  • 'Display Fonts' - size 12 or 14 may be preferable.
  • 'PDF handling' - choose a folder on your device to store your PDFs, select this folder here and your files will be added automatically to your EndNote library.
  • 'Sync' - set/check your settings to enable syncing with EndNote Online. This is one of the backup options to keep your work live.