EndNote is versatile and offers a variety of methods for adding entries, reflecting the different ways in which we source information.
One option is to directly export records from bibliographic databases, e.g .Scopus. In general:
Some resources offer this feature but perhaps in a less obvious way - click on the links below to add entries from the selected bibliographic services and see the boxes on this page for details on creating new records and importing PDF files from your device.
Exporting records for items found when searching bibliographic services, e.g.:
To add PDF files automatically to your EndNote 20 library,
Note: there will be a few minutes delay before any files in the selected folder appear in your EndNote20 library.
When uploading, EndNote will create a reference record for each PDF attachment:
To manually import into your EndNote library any PDFs already saved to your device:
A new EndNote record for the item will be created. The reference record will be populated if the PDF is formatted appropriately - has an allocated DOI (digital object identifier). If not, manual editing of the record will be required.
If relevant, you can prefer to import a folder instead.
To import a folder, follow the steps above with adjustments for folder.
To add references to your EndNote library when there is no option for direct export, e.g. for reports, websites, YouTube videos, blogs:
The 'Online Search' function within EndNote is offered as a quick way of searching selected services. However, this is not as straightforward as it seems. Library staff recommend that you use the alternative methods listed on this guide to find your content.