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Adding selected records from Ebscohost

Firstly, Open your EndNote library.

In the EBSCOhost database(s), search as usual. If unsure, see our EBSCOhost research platform guide.

On the results screen,

  1. Select multiple records by clicking the folder icon next to each entry. Note: you can change the number of items on display in Page options and can use the Share icon to add all entries on the page to the folder.
  2. Go to, and select, the folder icon on the toolbar at the top of the screen. Your selected items will display. 
  3. If relevant, click the 'Select all' checkbox. Note: you can only export up to 50 records at a time.
  4. Select the 'Export' option on the right.  A list of services will now appear. 
  5. Ensure the radio button for 'EndNote' is selected.
  6. Select 'Save' to confirm. 
  7. In some browsers, your records will be downloaded in a file displayed at the bottom of your screen. Open the file to import the records into EndNote. For EBSCOhost, the filename will end with .ris.
  8. Your EndNote library will now display the newly imported records.
  9. Return to the EBSCO window.  Select Back twice (option within the EBSCO screen) to return to your search results.

Exporting all search results for a systematic review

Firstly, Open your EndNote library.

In the EBSCOhost database(s), search as usual. If unsure, see our EBSCOhost research platform guide.

On the results screen,

  1. Select the 'Share' dropdown.
  2. From 'Export results', select the 'Email' link
  3. You will be taken to the Export Manager window
  4. Enter your email address and select '.RIS format'
  5. 'Save'

Once the email arrives,

  • Open the Zip file.
  • Click on the filename then related .ris or alternative download.
  • Your results will be uploaded into EndNote.