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What is EndNote Click?

EndNote Click is a cloud-based storage locker for PDF files which have a 'DOI' number. 

Why should I use EndNote Click?

EndNote Click gives you the option to open, read, and save PDF files (if they are formatted with a DOI number) directly to your EndNote library, with two clicks from when in browser display.


Note: EndNote Click will be less useful if you are predominantly using bibliographic resources that do not support doi-style PDF files.

What else does EndNote Click offer?

Available features include:

  • Organize your articles with tags.
  • Download PDFs to your computer.
  • Export reference details to another reference manager, e.g. Mendeley or Zotero.
  • Easily share the article with colleagues.

How do I setup EndNote Click?

From EndNote20/21:

  1. Select 'Tools' from the menu bar, select 'Install EndNote Click browser extension' and follow any prompts.  
  2. Register/ Sign In.
  3. Add your institution.
  4. Select Customise, set EndNote as your preferred reference manager and confirm other selections as relevant.


Using EndNote Online or another reference manager?

  1.  Search in your browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera) or relevant app store for 'EndNote Click web extension'.  Select the relevant option then activate as prompted.
  2. Follow steps 2-4 above.

UWS device users - EndNote Click is not enabled for those using UWS devices

How do I use EndNote Click?

When you are viewing an article that is compatible, the EndNote Click popup icon (purple background with View PDF EN text) will appear. 

  1. Click the icon - the PDF will open
  2. If desired, select the 'Push' or 'Export' option to save the article in your EndNote library.


If you have selected EndNote as your default reference manager, you can choose one of your custom groups as the destination or use the default 'Unfiled' group. A copy of the PDF will also be added to the reference in EndNote.

If using another reference manager, only the reference is transferred.

The 'Web of Science' option gives you access to other articles on the same topic.

Do I need to setup EndNote Click?

No, you can save references successfully to your EndNote Online or EndNote20 library without using EndNote Click.