Prefer a more focused search for journal articles?
Try the Library's bibliographic databases. Some index articles by type, e.g. primarily research studies, while others focus on publications in a specific subject area.
The articles indexed in the databases are primarily academic and professional level in some subject areas, e.g. education and nursing. Trade/ industry publications dominate though in others, e.g. Computing, Business.
Commonly used resources include:
Also see subject specific recommendations in our subject guides
Google Scholar is another recommended source for academic journal articles.
An option is included to link results with your library subscriptions for easier access.
When you next run a search, you will see "Available from UWS Library" on the right when UWS has access to the article.
Click this (and login to One Search if prompted), to navigate to the full text.
Conference papers are made available from multiple sources. Many are indexed by relevant bibliographic databases.
Some databases offer a filter option to limit your search to conference papers.
Sources include:
Your lecturers may refer you to specific dissertations held by your School. Selected examples of dissertations are also passed to UWS Library and these are listed in OneSearch.
You can search for theses from UK institutions in the British Library's Ethos collection.
Selected theses from international institutions can be searched in the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
Standards are collated and apply at national level.
Patents are registered nationally but collated and applied on a worldwide basis.
Sources include:
Many news sources are only available to all on the day in question.
Previous content is often archived though and available on a subscription basis. One example is Gale OneFile News
Statistics are gathered and published by many organisations. Some, e.g. Registrar General for Scotland, have a legal responsibility to enable a national social and economic record. Others offer more specialist or subject-specific collections.
Your Academic Librarian will be able to recommend subject specific collections.
General interest sources are listed below.