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Dissertation Support

Resources to help you plan and develop your dissertation or research project

Why use PIO?

PIO is particularly helpful for qualitative questions.

P: Patient, Population, Problem

- Who are the patients or community being affected?

- What are their symptoms, age, gender etc?

I: Intervention

- What is being done for patient/population e.g. screening, surgery, rehabilitation, services etc.?

O: Outcomes or themes

- Are you looking for improvements in pain, responsiveness to treatment, mobility, quality of life?


Applying PIO

A topic: Music's impact on dementia


The PIO breakdown:

P: Patient, Population, Problem - People living with dementia

I: Intervention - Playing music

O: Outcomes or themes - Reduced agitation


A resulting question:

Does playing individualised music (I) reduce agitation (O) in people living with dementia (P)?