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Dissertation Support

Resources to help you plan and develop your dissertation or research project

Writing a dissertation, research study, or journal article?

This may be the biggest cohesive project you have ever undertaken.

Such a project requires a different set of skills than you will have experienced during your taught modules, which are designed around existing readings and pre-determined parameters.

The research approach though requires:

  • Self-directed decision making related to the individual topic.
  • Extensive literature searching.
  • Evaluation of criteria, results and findings.
Doing a Literature Review in Health and Social Care
Literature Review and Research Design
Proposal Writing for Business Research Projects
The good research guide: for small-scale research projects
A Research Primer for Technical Communication
Writing a Proposal for Your Dissertation
Criminological Skills and Research for Beginners
Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications
Evaluating Research


Don't be overwhelmed - plan!

  1. Pick a topic of special interest to you - this is a large, frustrating, time-consuming process so your choice of topic is crucial to keep you motivated.
  2. Be aware of time management, other organisational skills and learn about the tools that can help.
  3. Plan your methodology with your supervisor.
  4. Compile your search strategy - choose your search terms, resources and selection criteria
  5. Be prepared to evaluate the quality of and reference your sources. 
  6. Develop your project.

Support: searching

Use the pages in this guide to get tips and tools to help you:

Support: writing

The Academic Skills website includes tips and tools you can use to:

  • Improve your time management, presentation and writing skills.
  • Access appointment options for meeting with an Academic Skills Advisor.