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Dissertation Support: PICOS

Resources to help you plan and develop your dissertation or research project

Why use PICOS?

PICOS is a variation of PICO and is helpful for quantitative studies which will include one specific study design, e.g. randomised controlled trials (RCTs).



P: Population, or Patient

- Who are you trying to help?

I: Intervention

- Which treatment, therapy or intervention applies?

C: Comparison (optional element) 

- Which treatment, therapy or treatment comprises a direct comparison, if any?

O: Outcome

- What are you hoping to achieve?

S: Study Design

- What type of study applies?

Applying PICOS

A topic:

Fresh food diet or supplements for reducing cancer risk in overweight middle aged men


An example: 

P: Population, or Patient - Middle aged men with 'overweight' BMI scores

I: Intervention - Fresh food diet

C: Comparison - Dietary supplements

O: Outcome - Decreased cancer risk

S: Study Design - Quantitative studies


A resulting question:

Is adopting a fresh food diet (I) more successful than dietary supplements (C) at decreasing cancer risk (O) in middle aged men with 'overweight' BMI scores (P)? 

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