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EndNote Online

Tips on using EndNote Online to manage your references

Exporting from Web of Science

In Web of Science, enter your search details as usual.  If unsure, please see our Web of Science guide.

  1. Click 'search'
  2. On the results screen, select the records you want by clicking in the box to the left of each reference.
  3. Above and below the results, you will see page options - Select “Export”
  4. Select EndNote Online.
  5. A pop-up box will appear. From the options, choose how much of the record you want to export; we recommend you include the abstract. 
  6. Select Export.
  7. Your records are automatically imported into the EndNote library that you have opened.
  8. In some browsers, your records will be downloaded in a file displayed at the bottom of your screen. Click the file and choose Save to import the records into EndNote. For Web of Science, the filename will end with .ciw. 
  9. A popup window will confirm the number of records exported
  10. Go to EndNote Online and select “My References” tab to view the records