There are several housekeeping activities that we recommend undertaking on a regular basis.
Most entries will display perfectly well, especially if exported from a database but you will sometimes see details in entries duplicated between fields, typos or extra details, e.g. multiple places of publication, that would clutter any subsequent citations in your documents.
Quickly read your references to check for accuracy and amend if required:
Remove any unwanted duplicate records - your library will likely contain duplicate records if you have searched multiple sources.
To find any unwanted duplicate entries,
Of course, there will be times when you want to keep duplicate records, e.g. when you deliberately have the same item listed in different groups.
Use the 'Research Notes' field to add comments on an item as you read it. These notes can act as a quick reminder as to the item's usability/relevance etc. at a later date.
In EndNote Online,
Deleting references from your library is NOT recommended, except for duplicate entries.
If, however, you are absolutely certain that you want to remove an entry from your EndNote Library,
Be very careful with your selections if you choose to take this step!