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Library Skills Online

Library Essentials

UWS Library has an extensive collection of relevant resources that support learning, teaching and research. Each of our five campuses has its own library, and students can access resources held throughout the UWS Library network and online.

Our Welcome to the Library guide includes information on the range of library services available, opening hours, borrowing and reserving books, and study facilities available in our campus libraries, as well as tips on using them effectively.  

Research Support

The Library has written a detailed research support guide to help you on your PhD journey, including information on conducting a literature review, setting up a research profile and open access publishing.

Academic Librarians

Your Academic Librarian can advise you on appropriate research databases to help with your literature review and answer general questions about the library and its services.


Academic Librarian


Jacqueline Boston

Psychology & Social Work, Social Sciences (ESS)

Joshua Cheyne

Business Divisions (BCI)

Linsey Sutherland

Computing, Engineering & Physical Sciences (CEPS)

Margo Stewart

Health & Nursing (HLS)

Oliver Witkin

London Campus

Raewyn Riach

Arts & Media, Education (BCI and ESS)

Sheila MacPherson

Sport & Life Sciences (interim) (HLS)

Research Methods and Project Planning

Explore options with Sage Research Methods

  • Read overviews on different methods 
  • Find definitions
  • Use the project planner
  • Hear from the experts
  • Practice data analysis

Library Resources Available to Search

Try searching the Library's research databases.  Some index articles by type, e.g. research studies, while others focus on publications in a specific subject area. 

The articles indexed in the databases are primarily academic and professional level in some subject areas, e.g. education and nursing. Trade/ industry publications dominate though in others, e.g. Computing, Business.

A complete list of the databases that we subscribe to is available in our A-Z List of databases, however for a more subject oriented list of databases and to find out where to start, you can visit our Subject Guides. An appointment with your Academic Librarian to discuss the range of databases suitable for your subject is also useful.

Searching for Other PhD Theses

  • For UK theses, search the British Library's Ethos service.
  • For a thesis published overseas, see the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations website.

Other Sources - Grey Literature

The focus of PhD activity is often on journal articles and research texts. Government documents, practice guidelines, annual reports, statistics and other so-called 'grey literature' sources can also enhance projects and provide background or complementary contextual details..  A selection of sources are:

See the Research Support guide for a wider selection of potential sources.

Research Seminar Series - Joshua Cheyne, Academic Librarian

'How to get started with literature searching' delivered by Joshua Cheyne, the Academic Librarian of the School of Business and Creative Industries at UWS on the 3rd of May 2023.

Managing Your Sources

You will be accessing a wide range of sources, especially at the beginning of your project and throughout your literature review. It is recommended that you put procedures in place to help you keep track of all of these sources. We sugest using an online reference management tool like EndNote which is free to students and staff at UWS and for which there is an extensive user guide.

With EndNote20, you can:

  • Store all your references in one place
  • Annotate PDF attachments
  • Organise them into custom groups
  • Share your groups with others
  • Collaborate on shared 'libraries' (not just individual groups)
  • Automatically generate a reference list as you add citations to your text in MS Word.

For alternative options on managing your sources, please see our Reference Management guide. 

Inter Library Loans

An Inter Library Loan (ILL) is a journal article, print book, conference paper or book chapter held in another library's collection, that is requested on your behalf through the Inter Library Loan service. This is a particularly helpful service for PhD researchers as it is inevitable that you will come across interesting items that aren't held by UWS Library.



Be aware of your responsibilities as a researcher for ethical considerations; legal use of data, sources and intellectual property.

  • Check, and comply with your School's Ethics policy.
  • See the Copyright at UWS guide to ensure compliance when re-using others' work.

General Library Enquiries

Looking for assistance?

Please email library staff, or log a call on the self-service portal, if you have any questions on using library services and resources.