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Public Health Nursing

A note on key words

McMaster Libraries (2016) How library stuff works: boolean operators (AND OR NOT). Available at: Accessed: 1 November 2020.

Your key words search terms) will change from search to search and assignment to assignment.

Use words or phrases that define or best describe the topic or aspect concerned.

You can include synonyms or alternative terms too using "OR", if relevant, e.g. nursing students OR student nurses

Separate the different elements and link with "AND", e.g. social media AND (nursing students or student nurses).

More search tips are available in our A-Z databases guides and on individual online database help pages.

Entering search terms

Searching, especially when using bibliographic databases, can be a complex task as so many journal articles and other items are indexed.  Structuring your search using Boolean terms "AND", "OR" and "NOT" will be particularly helpful, e.g. (Students OR undergraduates) AND (impact OR effect OR implications) AND Covid-19. 

Other options are also in common use though.

Looking for a specific item?

Use the author's surname and the whole title, or one or more words from the title. For example, Saunders research methods

Searching for items on a topic?

Enter the key words defining the topic, e.g. business research methods 

Looking for a set phrase?

Use quotation marks to search for an exact term, e.g. "primary school"

Not sure about the spelling?

Check the database or other site to see which symbols, if any, can be used as wildcards.  If supported, you can simultaneously search different spellings of a word. 

For example, in EBSCOhost databases, wom?n will generate results for woman and women (one letter difference); lab#r for labor and labour (multiple letters are possibly different).

Thesaurus searching

Some bibliographic databases, e.g. CINAHL offer the option of searching a controlled vocabulary - thesaurus searching.  This option is often recommended when running systematic reviews as there is greater consistency in the search application.  The terminology for this can differ - look for subject headings, MESH (medical subject headings), thesaurus, or similar.

Citation searching

As well as searching the resources, you can also learn more about the ideas or concepts mentioned in a book or journal article by following up on any references listed:

  • See the reference list (publication details) at the end of the work.
  • For books, also check the end of the chapter as there may be multiple lists.

Some bibliographic databases, e.g. Science Direct, list the references in an article on the basic entry. 

Others, e.g. Web of Science, also index newer articles which have cited the article you're viewing, listed as 'Times Cited' or similar.