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Learn how to perform an advanced search in databases on the EBSCOhost Research Platform, e.g. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection.
EBSCO Tutorials (2022) Advanced searching - tutorial. Available at: (Accessed: 7 April 2022).
Typing a sentence into a search engine or database will not search resources effectively.
Consider the key words and/ or phrases that describe what you want to search (e.g. personality disorder).
Enter these in the search boxes provided.
You can use various search techniques to add in extra terms, combine multiple topics, narrow results down and get more useful results. These include:
Use the available filters, e.g. to the left of your results list, to refine your search by date range, language or content type, among others.
Some articles in your search will include full text links. Others will be available by following the listed 'Check Primo OneSearch for availability' links.
For others, a free copy may be available on the internet provided under an open access arrangement. Use Google Scholar or Open Access button to check. Type in one author's surname and add the title of the article in quotation marks (to look for the words in the same order). If the article is freely available, you will see a PDF or HTML notation beside the citation.
You may also be able to get the article by requesting an Inter Library Loan (ILL).
An alternative to keyword searching is to search by Subject - select the 'Subject' menu option above the search boxes.
These results can then be combined with other search terms, as above.
To save specific articles, or your searches, for viewing in later search sessions, sign up for a personal folder. See EBSCO's Create a personal account video for details.
Click the 'Choose databases' option, above the search boxes, to simultaneously run your search on Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection and another database on the EBSCOhost research platform.
Click the article's title then select the 'Permalink' option to generate an accessible URL to include in your reference list. Alternatively, click the 'Cite' option then view the appropriate entry, e.g. 'APA'. [The default URL is customised to a user session so generates error messages whenever used by another user.]
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