UWS holds the CLA HE Licence, which enables staff and students to make photocopies and digital copies from a growing repertoire of titles published by local and global publishers.
Under the terms of the licence, copies can only be made from books and journals held or subscribed to by UWS library. The proportion of work that can be copied consists of whichever is the greater of 10% or:
The Licence is primarily to allow the distribution of copies of the above items, in both printed and digital forms.
If you wish to make print copies of the items listed above for your students, please contact Printing Services.
If you wish to make digital copies (PDFs) of the items listed above for upload to Aula / Moodle, please contact the
CLAScan team in the Library.
Please do not upload to Aula / Moodle copies without informing the CLAScan team in the Library.
If you would like more information about the CLA HE Licence, please contact the Library Copyright Service at copyright@uws.ac.uk. Guidance on the licence is also available from the CLA website.
The ERA licence enables UWS staff and students to copy, access and use, for non-commercial purposes, broadcast outputs of ERA's members in the form of recordings.
The ERA members include the BBC, Channel 4, ITV, Channel 5, BPI (British Phonographic Industry), DACS (Design and Artists Copyright Society) and Directors UK.
Access and use of these recordings must be on UWS premises or closed access networks (e.g. Aula / Moodle) only.
Clickview is the video platform that UWS has subscribed to to facilitate the university's use of recordings made under the terms of the ERA Licence.
If you would like to include either complete or extracts from television broadcasts, you can download the broadcast on Clickview and link to the broadcast from your Aula / Moodle site. Please contact the Library for more information about Clickview.
More information about the ERA Licence is available from the ERA website.
UWS also subscribes to a range of online databases for specific types of resources which licence use of the contents in teaching.
These include:
Contact Copyright@uws.ac.uk for further details.
UWS holds the basic NLA Media Access Licence, which allows the occasional copying of both the printed and online versions of national newspapers plus five regional newspapers for internal use only.
For photocopying, the number of copies per item is limited to 250.
Every copy that is made should be accompanied with the notice below:
"NLA Licensed copy. No further copies may be made except under licence."
The Licence requires the university to record all the copies made under the Licence.
So, if you wish to make print copies from newspapers, please pass the clippings in question to Print Services.
For digital copies from online versions of newspapers, please advise the Library Copyright Service that copies have been made.
More information about the NLA Licence is available from the NLA website.
Contains brief definitions of commonly used terms used in Copyright.
If the information held here does not answer the copyright-related questions that you have or if you would like more information about copyright, please contact the Library Copyright Service at Copyright@uws.ac.uk