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Copyright at UWS: Frequently Asked Questions

Let's get Copyright compliant.

Frequently Asked Questions


I downloaded an article for my research which I decided would also be useful for my class to read. Can I upload a copy of the article to my Aula / Moodle page?

No. The copy you downloaded is for your personal use only. Contact with details of the article. Wherever possible they will provide you with a copyright cleared scan that can then be uploaded into your Aula / Moodle module.

I wrote a chapter for a book a couple of years ago that I would like my class to read. As I wrote it, am I right in assuming it is OK for me to provide a copy for them in Aula / Moodle?

If you specifically retained the copyright on your work then there is no problem (although you should still provide a clear acknowledgement), but otherwise you will need to treat the item like any other copyright text and arrange for a copyright cleared copy to be provided by contacting CLAScan. If you did retain the copyright you should provide written permission to the department if you are happy for other staff who later teach the module to continue using the chapter.

Where can I find images that I can use safely in Aula / Moodle?

Search for images with a Creative Commons (CC) licence. More information can be found in this guide under the Copyright for All page.

UWS also subscribes to SCRAN – Scottish image archive which provides a wide range of images with clear licensing information and ready-made image references.

Still have a question?

Contact for help.

Further reading

Available electronically through UWS library.  To access this book, click on the title.  Sign in with your student/ staff number and password.

Audio visual copyright in Education

The Learning on Screen website by  the British Universities and Colleges Film and Video Council (BUFVC) is aimed at the audio and visual side of copyright in Education. Consult the useful FAQ's to understand  AV copyright.


' is an online resource aimed at making UK copyright law accessible to creators, media professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and members of the public. The resources here are meant for everyone who uses copyright: musiciansfilmmakersperformerswritersvisual artists and interactive developers, among others.

Our goal is to inform creators about how to protect their work, how to license and exploit it, and how to legally re-use the work of others.' (2020) Available at: (Accessed:30 September 2022).

The site also answers the most common frequently asked questions on Copyright.  Content includes short videos and interviews, with Musicians, Filmmakers, Performers and Writers on how copyright affects them.

Glossary of Copyright Terms

Contains brief definitions of commonly used terms used in Copyright.

Help & Support

If the information held here does not answer the copyright-related questions that you have or if you would like more information about copyright, please contact the Library Copyright Service at