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Academic Librarian - Rae Riach

Professional Profile

Academic Librarians act as a link between the UWS Library and schools, staff, and students

  • I provide in-depth, personalized research assistance for students, staff and faculty.
  • I teach information literacy and deliver library instruction sessions to help students complete the research component of their assignments.
  • I create learning and teaching materials (e.g. LibGuides) to highlight relevant information, tools and skills for students. These are closely tailored to the needs of the students and the instructor’s learning outcomes. Please e-mail me to discuss your needs. I will be happy to create new content.
  • I purchase library materials for UWS Libraries. Please contact me with your purchase requests and suggestions.
  • I develop library collections within my subject expertise.
  • I assist with validation, revalidation or accreditation of programmes.
  • I am an advocate for developing literacy through reading great novels and having more poetry in our lives.


I am based in Ayr and I usually work: Monday - Wednesday.

I am always glad to set up an appointment for an in-person consultation to support your learning and teaching.

I look forward to working with you!

To arrange classes or book research consultations contact me via email. Students can book individual appointments either in person or online.


Raewyn (Rae) Riach

Academic Librarian for:

School of Business & Creative Industries

  • Arts & Media

School of Education and Social Sciences

  • Education


Personal Profile

I’m from New Zealand originally where I did my professional library training at the University of Victoria, Wellington. I worked for the National Library of New Zealand, Wellington City Libraries and the University of Waikato Library before making the big move to Scotland in 2001 and on to UWS eventually.

My professional interests include teaching library research skills, referencing and all things artistic and literary. I strongly believe that all of our students should have access to the literature of the country that they are studying in and so you will find lots of great Scottish writing for all age groups in our Libraries.

I particularly love supporting and promoting the Arts. You can follow me on Twitter if you want to know what I am reading and recommending.

My Motto

'A library is a democratizing and liberating force like no other… it offers support to anyone with a well-developed curiosity or deep need' Margaret Atwood