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Use Business Source to find industry information and good quality journal articles related to:
Type your terms in the search box. Instead of typing full sentences or questions, think of the most important words that describe what you're looking for (e.g. organisational change and theory). You should also try and think of other words people might use to describe the same idea.
Use the filters on the results page to refine your search by options such as date range, source type or language. The Source Type option is very useful if you are only looking for journal articles, magazines, company profiles etc.
Shortening (or 'truncating') a word using * will find all words that start with the same letters - leader* will find leader, leaders, leadership, leading.
Use the basic search for the industry you are interested in i.e. gym industry. In the results list, use the Source Types option on the left-hand side to refine your results to Industry Profiles.
Click Company Information in the top menu and search for your company. You can search using the company name, parent company, stock market abbreviation or keyword.
Company Information includes revenues, parent companies and company owners.
Click More > Company Profiles at the top of the page to search for your company.
Company Profiles include overviews, key products and SWOT analyses.
In the search box, type in the name of a company AND SWOT. You can also use the Source Types option on the left-hand side to refine your results to SWOT Analyses.
Learn how to perform an advanced search on EBSCOhost databases, e.g. Business Source Ultimate.